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Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements
Bold Statements

Did you actually think I’d adventure back into clothing and not have some mens things in the works? Stay tuned. #boldstatements #notforeveryone #kabdesignsbykeithabrown


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Many here have come to know me for my main work over the last 5 + years as the private and luxury sector guy trying to make a name for himself in the world of public heath, and so far so good. But as a reference, the essence of who I am, and will always be is a clothing designer. All that I do as a creative is built on the core foundation of how it all started, with my love for fashion.


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